Monday, July 13, 2015

Nos vamos!!

Welcome to the Traveling Teachers Blog 2015!! We all made it to the airport and are feeling good! Just missing my friend Carolyn from Kansas, also a teacher, who is meeting us in San Salvador. We are ready to learn more about the country where most of our student population is from, including a people's history, women-and youth-specific issues, natural beauty, and much more. Our host is the organization Voices on the Border. They've arranged an exciting, busy, and intriguing itinerary for us.

Check back in with us over the next ten days to find out what we're learning about El Salvador, how we can better reach our students, and all our adventures. We're already taking bets on how many of our  students we'll encounter. Last year's trip met a student in the San Salvador airport! Of course!

Michael and I are hoping for coffee in the morning (it is a coffee producing country after all) and we can't wait to climb a volcano. Sheryl hopes her stomach cooperates with her and looks forward to practicing her Spanish. Caitlin is pumped to learn about mental health approaches. Marina and Laurel are intrigued about what our homestays will be like (dirt floors? Outhouses?).

Leave a comment with any questions for us. What would you like to know about El Salvador?


  1. Don't get your hopes up about the coffee...
    I'll be following the blog and look forward to reading all about your exciting adventures!

  2. I'm following too and require plenty of details about the homestays! I'm with Marina and Laurel on that one.

  3. Excited to see photos and to hear of your adventrures

  4. That is a great picture! I am so excited for you. I know you'll have a blast. I am looking forward to hearing about the people's history-memoria historica.

  5. Have a great trip you guys! I can't wait to hear about it. I have been reminiscing about last year, it was such a great experience.

  6. Sounds like a very interesting trip indeed.
